by Richard C. Clement
In order for true Marijuana Reform in Detroit, the failed policy
of the late Harry Anslinger must be put to rest. Marijuana is improperly
classified as a Schedule 1 drug with no medical value because people like Mr. Anslinger
were paid off by an industry who wanted to use wood for paper instead of a durable product of Industrial Hemp. Mr.
Anslinger was a bigot who hated African Americans so much that he was spreading
false and misleading information that Marijuana made White Women desire sex with Black Men, made Black people think they are superior to Whites and, influenced religious leaders to say that Marijuana was created by the
It is this group think mentality that is the primary driving
force behind the current policy that we are following today of incarceration
for Marijuana crimes and the arrested development of the numerous potential
benefits of using the Cannabis plant.
The following ordinance proposed by Council-member James Tate
will remove 90% of all Medical Marijuana businesses from the City of Detroit through
the bizarre use of zoning regulations.
If this becomes law, Medical Marijuana Businesses will be subjected to following
restrictions in the City of Detroit.
- Be at least 2000 feet away from each other “Controlled Uses Stores”
- Be at least 1000 feet away from a School, Public Park, Church, or Religious Institution
- Located only in Detroit Business Zones B4-B5 and M1-M5
This proposed ordinance is contrary to the will of the
majority of the citizens who vote and patronize these places of business. Yet these same patrons can drive up to places
like CVS and Walgreens to get some of the most dangerous drugs that cause,
heart attacks, suicides, and impotence. The numerous examples of Liquor Stores and Churches that are
much closer than 2000 feet from each highlights the glaring contradictions of
this proposed ordinance.
The singling out of drive through businesses as a public nuisance
is troubling because if a drive through is good for Chase Bank then Pot should
not pose any additional problems. Will
this extend to Marijuana Vending Machines in a private place? This proposed ordinance will force some MMJ owners to
re-define their businesses as a place of sacramental worship as a religious
institution to protect their investment into the re-construction of their property. The religious argument to rezone Marijuana
businesses may be against the tennants Religious Freedom Restoration Act that can be
argued in a court of law.
Citizens who support these businesses are strongly urged to
contact all of the elected leadership of the City of Detroit to voice your
concerns and propose changes. If the
leadership does not listen then you the people have every right to initiate a
people driven petition to create a NEW ordinance that will meet the people’s
The real question is how is the City of Detroit and the
residents going to benefit from the emerging Marijuana Industry?
- First the proposed ordinance must demand that these businesses remain open and protected from prosecution by law.
- The Ordinance will create a City Department of Marijuana Management that will manage business needs with a nominal application fee of $1000.
- The Department will be responsible for managing the needs of the business owners with services including but not limited to the following:
- The hiring and training of Certification Testers to evaluate and grade Marijuana being sold or transferred in the City of Detroit.
- Providing a directory of Marijuana Businesses providing Faith Based Services and resources to Military Veterans, Retired City and Wayne County Employees with PTSD and other symptoms treatable with Cannabis.
- If some businesses are performing faith based services to clients and customers you may be eligible for a religious exemption as a faith based institution performing services under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Examples of providing faith based services are:
- Using Cannabis to treat Veterans and Public Servants with PTSD symptoms from serving in Government.
- Examples of (but not limited to) military service, working as a teacher, firefighter, Police Officer, or Civil Service appointee.
- Providing Rick Simpson Oil to Cancer and Autism patients or any condition treatable with cannabis.
If you feel that the propose ordinance does not fit your
needs, the people have opportunity to enact a ballot initiative to allow the
people to decide on the issue of Marijuana Policy in the City Of Detroit and, its
direction in the future of our City.
If you are a patron of any Marijuana Business and, want to
see the revenue from Marijuana sales and manufacturing benefit the people. Then
we are urging you to do the following:
- Supporters of Marijuana must call and have meetings with your City of Detroit Elected Leadership to voice your support or opposition.
- Propose fair and equitable guidelines for building reuse as not to discriminate or deny opportunities to improve the quality of life through, entrepenuership, apprenticeships and higher education.
- Be prepared to sign a proposed ordinance to clarify the existence and direction of Manufacturing, Medical and Recreational Marijuana in the City of Detroit.
- Register to Vote, Sign the MI legalize petition, and actually Vote.
The future of Detroit includes the benefits of using the byproducts
of the Cannabis plant. Don’t let others who do not have the best interest of
the people in mind determine the Detroit Future. Education grow academies and
curriculum policy change in public education will expand the importance to the youth to pay
attention in class instead of harassing the teacher and dogging the “guest”
teachers. To protect all of the children, some students need to really quit
clowning around and get serious in the classroom. Especially in subjects of Biology, Science,
Math, Hortoculture , Electronics, Solar
Panel Engineering, Manufacturing, Algebra, and Technology. As far as music skills, learning how to play
an instrument will carry youth a long way in the educational journey of life. For
some it might lead to a nice career and pay your way through school at the same time.
The tactical use of Marijuana will create better quality of
life with the creation of jobs in manufacturing of concrete for roads, drywall
products for home constructions, create bio-fuel for City vehicles, more money
for education, and a revenue stream for Wayne County and the City of Detroit.
We are one 2016 Presidential Election away from continuing
the change or, going back to the failed policies of Harry Ainslinger that
creates a thriving system asset forfeiture, incarceration for small amounts of
Marijuana, building more jails to create more felons than fellowships, putting Canadian
Citizens like Marc Emery back in a US Jail in Mississippi at the same time allowing
Irving Rosenfeld to legally use Marijuana in all 50 states that is not grown at
Alcorn State University in Lorimar MS but somewhere else, and so on.
Therefore it is imperative that you be a good citizen and peacefully
petition our government to change the policy on Cannabis to improve the quality
of life for the Citizens of the City of Detroit.
If not, then in 2017 President Chris Christie will open a
drive through incarceration facility at the “newly completed” Wayne County Jail
for Marijuana, while charging increased user fees at the local drive through, fast food
Richard C. Clement – Legislative Aide & Marijuana Policy