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Friday, March 29, 2013

What it takes to Make a Great City: Neighborhood Residents and Business working together to bring peace and prosperity.

Supporting City of Detroit Business Establishments
By George Cushingberry Jr. Esq.
Candidate for Detroit City Council District #2

My people, how lame and anti-Detroit y'all can be by saying you can't come to Will’s Place or other food operations cause they sell alcohol. Some of you will go to places that refuse to come to the city like Red Lobster that sell alcohol but that's ok.  Some of you complain that I do not have events at Black Business and that is not true.  Baker’s Keyboard, Mr. Mapps, Will’s Place, Penthouse, and other businesses have been Detroit institutions for a very long time.  These business owners and others have long weathered the storm of the economy while others have failed.   I also encourage and support the young business owners (35 and younger) who are stepping up to the plate.  We need more young (and old) Magic Johnson types to come in or evolve from the streets and schools of Detroit for the public good.

How long will this self-hatred last! Black Entrepreneurs in Detroit are suffering and they have the best food.  These business owners have been around Detroit for a very long time.  Some of them could have been franchise owners and CEO’s but chose to stay in the city because of the loyalty of customers, love for the city, and wanting to be their own boss. Kenisha, Channele and I were very pleased with the food at the Penthouse (Varsity Lounge on Google). Youngsters can eat too!  We marveled at the ingenuity of Detroit black business who have merged and worked together to survive. We all liked 7 Mile Shrimp from Dot and Etta’s and, it has been reborn inside Wills Place on 7 mile and Greenfield. 

Mother Cushingberry is still getting fresh food and produce cooked to order from down south. Welcome to the new user friendly Detroit that supports business in the neighborhood. Support Local Businesses and by doing that, you money gets circulated within the community in which you live by; owners maintaining their property, owners paying property taxes, and owners creating jobs and stimulating the neighborhood economy.  This will draw more people to the city and increase the need for people to be hired for the purposes of being police, firefighters, and other jobs as needed to sustain the City of Detroit.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Righting the Wrong in Detroit with Financial Accountability

By George Cushingberry Jr. 
Your Candidate for Detroit City Council District #2

A true public servant and friend Saul Greene came and asked me to introduce a bill to rationalize pensions.  This was shortly after Ken Cockrel lost the election to Dave Bing. According to the administration, the pension was underfunded and unstable. This was a stark difference to what the pension plan participants were saying.  Pension plan participants knew that The City of Detroit’s pension plan is solvent and, this has been an ongoing battle with administrations in the past and present to loot the fund to reduce costs and responsibilities to plan members.

With the data that I had at the time and, under extreme concern for my constituent’s well-being, I introduced this bill for sole purpose of pocket vetoing it.  A pocket veto is a dignified method of making sure that a bill never sees the light of day of a vote. As chairman of the powerful House of Representatives  Appropriations committee, I had the power to make sure that this happened in an orderly manner. The plan was to have City Retirees, UAW, D.P.O.A., and A.S.F.C.M.E. members to attend the hearing, call legislators, and just raise the holy roof in Lansing opposing this bill.   This would have been it for ANY bill that would have attacked the retirees in the City of Detroit.

To my shock and dismay, Mayor Bing gets rid of Saul and left me hanging out to dry in 2010 with my current and potential constituents. The Mayor allowed the lie to be perpetuated that his bill proposal was all mine. They claimed they had a plan that I sponsored and it became by law a deficit reduction bond. This failed administration as my friend Malik Shabazz calls it sold the bond and didn't make the course correction the council told him we had to make to keep things afloat.

What we need is someone with political, academic, and practical experience in city and all levels of government. So the derivative bond, deficit reduction bond, Republican anti Obama care plus, the current feather bedding with turn around experts by the state has indeed created an emergency. While I believe the people of Detroit will come out to vote and rectify the situation, I DO NOT support the Emergency Financial Manager because it creates more bureaucracy and even more lack of transparency. In 2014 we must focus on firing the current Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State. I also asked Mike Duggan to run for Governor in 2014. We should invest first in those who stayed here in Detroit with loyalty credits on their property taxes based on length of time in the City.  This and other ideas are what it’s going to take to get the state right.

Now that we have an un-elected manager in control of the finances in my City, my voice on the council will serve as an ELECTED Financial Manager/Activist for the people. Therefore I am asking you to Push with Cush and support me for Detroit City Council in District #2.

The Committee to Elect George Cushingberry Jr. to City of Detroit City Council, District #2

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Reflection on the Felony Conviction of Kwame Kilpatrick

           A sad chapter of Michigan history closed with the felony conviction of former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. He's added his name to the dubious list of  former Detroit mayors Richard Reading and, Louis Mariani as those of convicted felons. All of the danger signs were there but we prayed for him and, tried to get him to listen to those who helped his formation. We all lost a piece of our hopes and aspirations because of the filthy and lucrative love of money. Make no mistake about it, his actions took on the fake history of "that's the way its always been", and this is simply not true.

George Cushingberry Jr.

List of Mayors of the City of Detroit via Wikipedia

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Re-energizing a new Detroit on the land that was known as the Michigan State Fair.

By Hardcore Detroit,

               A coalition of community groups and developers have different visions on what should be put on the land that once occupied the Michigan State Fair.  At the time of this writing, there are two groups that are vying for the rights to redevelop the land. The first group Magic Plus LLC, led by Magic Johnson and Marvin Beatty would include a shopping mall and a new Amtrak station among other things. The second group Michigan Energy Technology Agriculture (META) Group wants to place more homes and office buildings on the same land.

               These are the issues being discussed with the Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority and developers to revitalize the land between 7 and 8 Mile road, between Woodward and John R. Currently, this area is a tragic outgrowth of what happened during the foreclosure crisis with streets full of abandoned homes. Some of the homes were absolutely gorgeous and structurally sound, only to be turned into slums by the banks that let them get looted for pipes, water tanks, and other home fixtures.

               Omni-directional transportation is a must in the city.  While focusing on north and south issues in Detroit, there is an east and west issue too.  The mile roads in Detroit deserve the same respect as Woodward Avenue in regards to transportation.  If there is going to be a light rail system, let it run up and down Gratiot and Grand River.  This would also include east and west rail from places like Fairlane all the way east to the Eastland Mall property for instance.  Everyone does not live close to 8 mile and this would be a solution for getting to destinations from the east and west. 

Both plans include a new AMTRAK Train station. The current AMTRAK station on Woodward and Milwaukee is too small and lacks the parking needed to serve customers. People are currently going to Dearborn to get on the train because of the condition of the station, parking, and not having to climb the stairs to get to a train.  By putting an AMTRAK Station at the fairgrounds, this would be a complete transportation hub for busses and, a people mover type of light rail system in the City of Detroit and surrounding areas. AMTRAK connections to  Chicago, Flint, Pontiac and beyond will be greatly enhanced with the new Amtrak station.

META Technology Group has a YouTube video presentation regarding their plan to re-develop the area(click here to view video). As of this writing, Magic Plus LLC does not have a video presentation available to view to show their plan.  Otherwise the Michigan Land Bank Fast Track authority is taking public and written comment on the State Fair property. You can contact them at or by calling (517) 335-8212. Either way you choose, the future of Detroit is looking very promising.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Elect George Cushingberry Jr. to Detroit City Council in 2013? - A question to my friends..

Dear Friends,

An exploratory committee has been formed by concerned citizens of Northwest Detroit regarding the election of our friend George Cushingberry Jr as a member of the Detroit City Council, representing District #2 in 2013.  Our friend George has been a longtime supporter of the City and it's people.  If elected to City Council he promises to restore the roar of the City by investing in it's assets. 

Air Force 3 parked at Coleman Young International 
The Coleman Young International Airport (formerly known as City Airport) will be enhanced and upgraded  with enhanced runways to handle commercial, private and, corporate aircraft for quick access to downtown locations and events.  A new international passenger terminal with the Red Tail lounge named in honor of the Tuskegee Airmen and Mayor Young, will welcome passengers and guests to the city as they wait for their bags, transportation, or flights.

Mr Cushingberry is totally disgusted with the home situation in the city also.  Revitalizing neighborhoods with lighting and materials to restore or build new property is a must. Consumer friendly bankers who really want to re-invest into the community are essential for the financial protection of  residents.  Programs to train interested youth and adults how to become home construction builders and inspectors will create opportunities for all.

Given the overwhelming support of marijuana decriminalization in the City of Detroit, Mr. Cushingberry is willing to look into urban farming and manufacturing opportunities with the cannabis plant.  This is an old idea that was once created by Mayor Coleman S. Young. Mayor Young used recreation centers as neighborhood hubs of activity. There are over 25,000 products that can be made from the male cannabis plant. Manufacturing jobs are the ticket to economic stability. By creating manufacturing jobs with cannabis products, the City of Detroit unemployment numbers would drop from 2 to 5 full percentage points. As a side note to legalization, the annual firing of guns on New Years Day activity subsided noticeably in 2013.

Belle-Isle will remain an asset of the City of Detroit with Detroit residents given preference points of up to %100 to be hired for any State of Michigan job contracted to island services.   Bell Isle must be upgraded and treated with respect from the people who faithfully use the island's beauty to relax and rewind from the stress of the daily grind. Therefore Mr. Cushingberry believes that funding for maintenance and development can be created from agriculture research and bio product manufacturing..

If you are concerned about the direction and the future of the City of Detroit, we encourage you to let George know by casting your vote in our online poll.

The Exploratory Committee to Elect George Cushingberry Jr. to Detroit City Council

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Help a Lame Duck walk straight in Lansing Michigan in 2012.

Two Bills SB 321 and HB 4834 - designed to dismantle and sabotage the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act of 2008

Engaging the Michigan Senate in 2012

These are two bills that can be modified to the benefit of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Program. House Bill 4834 can have language added that will bring the program to the 21st Century regarding customer service. Program participants will be able to use the Department of Licensing and Regulations’ website to enroll, make caregiver changes, and certify patients. No more filling out of paper applications and compatible with your I pad.

Senate Bill 321 - 420 Analysis:
This is a request from my patients who want the following changes to the upcoming bills for the common good. First, please remove the following lines from page 3 of Senate Bill 321 as it discriminates against an entire class of Michigan Citizens.


Michigan is the only state that gives Drug Companies immunity to manufacture and distribute products that are faulty without fear or prosecution in a court of law. Insurance companies should not be able to dictate to people how to defy and break State and local laws voted on and supported by your constituents who are their customers. States rights and discrimination are two issues supported by the Attorney General with great passion. This is truly a States’ Rights and discrimination issue because medical marijuana patients need protection from employers and insurers from being treated like second class citizens. We need an affirmative action from the Office of Attorney General to end and prevent discrimination against the Civil Rights of law-abiding citizens who choose to use Marijuana as their medicine.

HB 4834 – Amend to add a patient photograph on the Michigan Medical Marijuana Card. 420 Analysis

How is it that the State of Arizona has pictures on their Medical Marijuana cards in less than one year and the State of Michigan is giving excuse after excuse on why we CAN’T do same the job?
Michigan was long before Arizona in Medical Marijuana reform and they have pictures on their cards already. Click Here to See the State of Arizona’s Medical Marijuana Program Information.
An Arizona resident can use their card to cash checks at a bank because it is a valid government ID similar to a Drivers License. Not bad for a State that voted for Mitt Romney.

We can do better in Michigan by adding the entire registration process to Dept. Of L.A.R.A.'s website so that citizens can apply and pay for their registration online. Do we not have the talent to do this? All of these people passed a drug test? Come on man! We spend massive amounts of money in State Government on Information Technology Services and if this is the best we can do, then it is time for an overhaul. Removing drug testing for Marijuana in a person’s body for employment with the State would cut spending and, raise revenue in the form of adding people to the workforce that can pay taxes instead of cutting all of the time.

Therefore it is high time to get the technology in order by amending bill 4834 to allow for a process to place the picture of the participant on the card. This should be done with immediate effect. Given that LARA has improved the turnaround time for processing applications, the reprinting everyone’s card with a picture on it should be less than 60 days. If you are a patient or caregiver this is of importance because you want to streamline government, create revenue to fly over the fiscal cliff.
Contact Senator Geoff Hansen in Room 420 (and his Senator Friends) at the Farnum Building in Lansing Michigan and ask him to get the State's technology needs in order to get the job done. GOP caregivers, patients, and cannabis lovers are encouraged to contact their senators. Share the medicine across party lines.

Let’s help this Lame Duck walk to the end.

Richard C. Clement – Patient Advocate - Lansing Compassionate Care Commission
Past Director of Minority Affairs and Outreach Programs 2008-2011
Michigan Chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws