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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Cass Tech Alumnus George Cushingberry Jr (1971) - Favors Name Change of the High School and Wayne County

The time has come to change the names of Cass Technical High School and Wayne County to the name of  Jean Baptiste Point du Sable, says 1971 Cass Tech alumnus George Cushingberry Jr. 

Cushingberry favors replacing their names because of the racist history toward slaves and native Americans by General Anthony Wayne and Lewis Cass. General Wayne made himself famous by slaughtering native Americans and turning the #Detroit river red with their blood as he was taking their property. Lewis Cass treatment of slaves was a documented disregard for human rights and, their quality of life. 

George Cushingberry Jr.
George Cushingberry Jr.

Replacing their names with Point du Sable will a decisive action to repair many years of hurt and disrespect to people who did not have a voice or a choice in their quality of life. 

The background on of Jean Baptise Point du Sable from Wikapedia: 

From Wikapedia:
Point du Sable was of African descent, but little else is known of his life prior to the 1770s. During his career, the areas where he settled and traded around the Great Lakes and in the Illinois Country changed hands several times among France, Britain, Spain and the new United States. Described as handsome and well educated, Point du Sable married a Native American woman, Kitiwaha, and they had two children. In 1779, during the American Revolutionary War, he was arrested by the British military on suspicion of being an American rebel sympathizer. In the early 1780s he worked for the British lieutenant-governor of Michilimackinac on an estate at what is now the city of St. Clair, Michigan north of Detroit. Point du Sable was a prominent
As noted in EBONY magazine in 1963
[Point du Sable] is not yet honored in his own house (which Chicagoans call the "Kinzie House") or on his own land. No street bears his name and, save for the high school, he has no monument. Cadillac is honored in Detroit, Pitt in Pittsburgh, Cleveland in Cleveland—but the father of Chicago has no street or statue of stone to call his own.

Ebony, December 1963.[67]
From Wikapedia - General Anthony Wayne
On August 20, 1794, he mounted an assault on the Indian confederacy at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in Maumee, Ohio, which was a decisive victory for the U.S. forces and ended the war. Wayne then continued to Kekionga where he oversaw the construction of Fort Wayne. He then negotiated the Treaty of Greenville between the tribal confederacy and the United States, which was signed on August 3, 1795. The treaty gave most of Ohio to the United States and cleared the way for the state to enter the Union in 1803.

If you support this name change, George Cushingberry strongly recommends that you vote in August and November to elect school board members and, county commissioners that will take action instead of passing the buck of responsibility.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Cleo T. Wiley v City of Detroit et al, Detroit City Council, George Cushingberry Jr. - The Drama Continues

By Friends of George Cushingberry Jr.


The taxpayers of the City of Detroit are under attack again from a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by Cleo T. Wiley in the 3rd Judicial Circuit Court, Wayne County Michigan. On Wednesday March 11, 2020, US District Court Judge Marianne O. Battani dismissed all charges against the City of Detroit, Detroit City Council Members and, retired State Representative and former Detroit City Council-member George Cushingberry Jr. In her 23 page ruling, Judge Battani ruled that Cleo Wiley did not have sufficient evidence of sexual harassment and, was not entitled to protection under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as an Independent Contractor.  The court properly ruled that anyone working for a Detroit City Council member under a personal services contract is an at will employee subject to immediate dismissal. 

On Friday March 13, 2020, attorney Robin Beth Wagner filed the same charges with 3rd Circuit Court Judge Dana Margret Hathaway using State of Michigan Elliot/Larsen discrimination laws. The schedule of events for the case per order of Judge Hathaway:
  1. Witness Exchange Filing:  September 4, 2020
  2. Discovery Cutoff Date:      October 23, 2020
  3. Case Evaluation Month:    December 2020
After step three is completed, two events are required to occur by court rule. The first one is a settlement conference and, the second one is a motion to dismiss the charges. Unless a motion to dismiss is filed within 30 days or, a settlement conference for both parties is held within 42 days the case will proceed to trial. It is noted in the record by Judge Battani that allegations are dismissed at the state level because of similarities between state and federal laws. 

The pursuit of this lawsuit the plaintiff is another attempt to shake down the taxpayers of Detroit for money. During George Cushingberry's time as President Pro-Tempore of City Council, he was responsible for putting in rules to prevent attack by plaintiffs filing frivolous lawsuits against the city.  He was also responsible for installing automation for the City Parking Department in 2015 generating over $200,000 dollars in revenue within one month of implementation. Among other monetary gains for the city, assets like Detroit City Airport and Benjamin O. Davis Aerospace High School were protected from the plans of Mayor Mike Duggan to shut it down to build more buildings that we don't need, given the massive vacancy rate of existing structures in the city.

After further review of his four year term on the Council, the incidents regarding former Council member George Cushingerry regarding a "high speed" police chase, antique cars and, sexual harassment charges were falsehoods promoted by Fox 2 Detroit News, led by former reporter M.L. Elrick. 

The car chase was proven to be false, the "antique" car was sold much less than value than advertised and, the sexual harassment charges were dismissed in court. Out of respect for the great men and women of the Detroit Police Department, police brutality charges and filing false police report charges were never pursued against the officers. Instead, we directed Chief James Craig to lecture the two officers on their mistakes and, to never, ever treat another citizen like that again. The culmination of these falsehoods served as grounds for dismissal of Mr. Elrick from Fox 2 Detroit in December of 2019. 

Tara Reade and Cleo T. Wiley

In summary, the #MeToo movement must be held accountable for promoting women to pursue frivolous lawsuits to extort money from individuals, smearing elected officials, influence elections of candidates for public office and, professionals in private businesses for financial gain. Extortion is a crime and harms women with legitimate claims. For that indiscretion, the accusers should be punished to the fullest extent of the law for extortion, filing false police reports and slander.

By February 2021, we truly hope that this fiasco is brought to a decisive end.

Reference:   Case #20-003959-CD  

Cleo T. Wiley                                                                                    Plaintiff


City of Detroit, Detroit City Council, George Cushingberry Jr.         Defendants


Thursday, July 2, 2020

Notice To Reposses The Detroit Public School System One Building At A Time.

Court of the People – Detroit Michigan

Docket#: 2020-07-01 July 1, 2020

The People for Dr. Ethelene Jones Crockett 



Detroit Public Schools Community District Board Members, 

  •       Dr. Iris Taylor, President (term ending 12/31/2020)
  •       Angelique Peterson-Mayberry, Vice President (term ending 12/31/2022)
  •        Misha Stallworth, Secretary (term ending 12/31/2020)
  •        Sonya Mays, Treasury (term ending 12/31/2020)
  •        Dr. Georgia Lemmons (term ending 12/31/2022)
  •       Bishop Corletta J. Vaughn (12/31/2020)
  •       Dr Nikolai Vitti Superintendent DPSCD 



On this date at 5pm, July 1st,  2020 we the people are executing this action to restore the name of Dr. Ethylene Jones Crockett on the building at 571 Mack Avenue Detroit Michigan 48206.  Upon taking this action, we want the name and legacy of Dr. Ben Carson to be reassigned to one or more of the following institutions or programs.

  •  The Dr. Charles Wright Museum of African American History
  • Grants written in his name to improve programs within DPSCD like special education with a science concentration.

While we acknowledge his accomplishments as a doctor. His blatant support of policies that have harmed our nation is not reflective of the proud residents of Detroit who really care about people. This name change was done by a few people in Lansing who wanted to remove the history and legacy of people who fought against slavery, believed in aviation training for our children and, taught young people how to be doctors and humanitarians to their fellow citizens.  The appalling actions on the Covid-19 by President Donald Trump  supported by Dr Carson as the director of Housing and Urban Development is completely unacceptable to people who finance the Detroit Public School Districts two entities, the legacy district and the community district.

Their only goal was to loot the City of Detroit of its assets and spend the money on overpaid consultants and contractors who put profit over people. When we vote in August and November we are voting for change at the state and federal level. This attempt to re-write the history of Detroit and rob our children’s education will be stopped on August 4th, and November 3rd at the ballot box.

When you dump Trump and elect a new school board, Ben Carson’s name will be no more in District 4.Therefore, we are demanding that the current school board immediately remove the name of Dr. Ben Carson from the school and replace it with the people’s choice. Or face the consequences at the ballot box.



History of Dr. Ethelene Jones Crockett

Written by R. Wayne Hicks(1959-2018)


Dr. Ethelene Crockett

My maternal grandmother, Ethelene Jones Crockett, was born in 1914 in St. Joseph, Michigan and grew up in Jackson, Michigan. She attended Jackson Junior College and graduated from University of Michigan. She married George Crockett, Jr. who was an accomplished lawyer, judge and congressman in his own right, and they had three children (including my Mom!) before she decided to attend medical school at Howard University in 1942.

Grandmother Crockett served her medical internship at Detroit Receiving Hospital but completed her residency in a New York City hospital because no Detroit hospital would accept an African American woman. She became the first Black female Ob/Gyn in the state of Michigan in 1952.

She retired from active practice in 1972. In 1978 she became the first woman president of the American Lung Association. Unfortunately, she died later that same year.

My grandmother was larger than life. I loved her very much. It would tickle her to know that her junior college created an alumni award in her name. The Dr. Ethelene Jones Crockett Distinguished Alumni Award is awarded annually by Jackson Community College. Leonard Griehs won the award this year. Mr. Griehs is vice president of investor relations at Campbell Soup Company.

I just wanted to use this post to express gratitude to JCC for creating this award and to Mr. Griehs for winning it this year. Use this post as your reminder to give your Mom or Grandmother a call! Tomorrow is not promised to any of us.

From Wikapedia: Dr. Ethelene Jones Crockett (1914-1978) was an influential physician and activist from Detroit. She was Michigan's first African-American female board certified OB/GYN,[1] and the first woman to be president of the American Lung Association.[2] In 1988, Crockett was inducted posthumously into the Michigan Women's Hall of Fame.

Friday, May 8, 2020

We Ridin with Biden - Endorsement of Joe Biden For President

by Friends of George Cushingberry Jr.

Press Release

Retired State Representative, City Council President Pro-Tem George Cushingberry Jr. and, his friends endorse Joe Biden for the next President of the United States. The sad outgrowth of the #MeToo movement is that it has become a virtual brothel for disturbed females with a grudge, looking for financial gain. For too long men have been victims of sexual harassment charges from women with issues and personal agendas. 

Joe Biden 

Working as political operatives, these women file lawsuits that are timed to strategically damage the reputation of the accused. The timing is crucial so that i
f the charges are challenged in court, the court dates are scheduled long after election day. This is done to cover the accuser before the charges are determined to be false. For example harassment victims like former US Senator Al Franken and the late US Congressman John Conyers never got the benefit of due process in a court of law.

Franken decided to walk away from the job instead of fight. In Mr. Conyers case, the accusations led to complications that eventually took his life. However, George Cushingberry was fortunate enough to court and was acquitted of all charges. 

The damage to Mr. Cushingberry?
  • He lost his re-election bid for Detroit City Council in 2017
  • He lost he election bid for the Michigan State Senate in 2018
It is a form of art for evil women to accuse prominent men of sexual harassment when they are perceived to have a lot of money or power. The enablers of these accusers are looking for financial gain at the expense of a person's livelihood. Instead of fighting the charges, the accused victim chooses to resign under duress or retire. In a private business, the accused is fired from their employment and takes a settlement instead of going to court. 

Harassers Tara Reade and Cleo Wiley

The monetary reward to these accusers are pennies to the dollar compared to the monetary gains the accused have brought to the citizens. Yes, the accuser's story must be heard by a jury of her peers. Once the allegations have proven to be false, then the accuser must dealt with in proportion to the damage caused. Allowing this behavior to continue is a poor example for young women to follow, turning them into hustlers instead of helpers.


If there was a pussy grabbing, woman abusing, pimping contest between Joe Biden, and Donald Trump, Biden would lose in a landslide. 

Therefore, please don't fall for the okie-doke of selective prosecution with sexual harassment allegations for political and, financial gain.

Starting September 19, 2020 until November 3rd, cast your vote to fire the turd!

Elect Joe Biden the 46th President of the United States..

Website: George Cushingberry Jr. Acquitted of All Sexual Harassment Charges 
Website: Case #18-12025  Order of Dismissal US District Court Judge Marianne O. Battani (PDF) Cleo T. Wiley v City of Detroit, Detroit City Council and George Cushingberry Jr. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tawanna Simpson For State Representative District 4

Statement of Endorsement:

On or before August 4th 2020 and, on or before November 3rd 2020, please vote to send Ms. Tawanna Simpson to Lansing as the new State Representative for the 4th House district.  

She will represent the constituents interests by being a voice on issues that are vital to the district.

She will continue Issac's fight to keep the district from being a dumping ground for toxic waste from businesses. 

She pledges to finish the work of Rep Robinson on House bill 5120 on expungement of criminal records) by working with Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel to lobby the Michigan Senate to pass the bill for a signature from Governor Gretchen Whitmer to make it state law.

She is totally committed to auto insurance reform that will adjust rates to relieve Michigan from economic distress. Insurance rates are a driving force behind issues from employment because of a lack of transportation choices.

She will fight to fix the damn roads in the district on advocating for road equity at the county and city level.  There is no excuse for the condition of Hamtramck Drive with bumps and potholes, while General Motors reinvests into the Detroit/Hamtramck plant.  

With her prior experience as an elected Detroit School Board member, she will fight the war on poverty through supporting teachers promoting Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math careers for K-12 youth. 

She supports training for careers for people who want to work in skilled trades like electricians, HVAC, plumbing, carpentry and other fields of study after the K-12 years.

She was a valuable aide to Representative Isaac Robinson on many issues and is deeply involved in community affairs. She has been endorsed by former Rep Rosemary Robinson because of her commitment to community and her work ethic.

For these reasons and more, the Friends of Cushingberry endorse the candidacy of Ms. Tawanna Simpson.  

Her name will appear twice on your ballot and, make sure to mark both entries. One mark is to fill the remaining time of the late great Representative Issac Robinson and, the other mark is for a two year term of office that Isaac was going to get reelected for.

As soon as you get your ballot, make your mark on the name of Tawanna Simpson to be thee next State Representative for the 4th House District.  

She will make us proud.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Staying Safe from Covid-19 and Creating Jobs with Cannabis


All of those people in Operation Gridlock are wasting their time trying to recall Governor Gretchen Whitmer. There will be no need to write tickets for congregating in a group because GM, Ford, and Hyundai are making more ventilators and test kits by the hour for Covid-19.  

Fixing my damn street with Hempcrete is a saying that is catching on with some residents in the City of Detroit. There are too many pot-holes in county and local roads like Hamtramck Drive around the General Motors plant in Detroit and Oakland Avenue in Highland Park Michigan. With the use of Hempcrete to fix the streets, people will have better things to do besides trying to recall Governor Gretchen Whitmer. We the taxpayers have a lot of our money invested into the Michigan National Guard. Once mobilized, they could use the work administering tests for Covid-19 to all citizens by May 15th with a revision in the Federal Affordable Care Act to cover the costs.


Instead of trying to recall the Governor, you would be better off getting her to sign all of the legislation that the Late Rep. Isaac Robinson got approved by the House of Representatives into law. That would include expungement reform for marijuana convictions and, amending the legislation with banning the use of marijuana against a prospective employee as a condition of employment. This is much safer than being on the capitol steps without masks and gloves from the danger of Covid-19. The major problem is Michigan State Senator Peter Lucido, who does not support the advancement of the legislation for the Governor's signature. To correct this problem you must contact his office daily and ask him to support House bill 5120 with the amendments for the Governor’s signature into the law of the land.

Website: Citizen Request Form for Gov Gretchen Whitmer
Website: Michigan State Senator Mike Shirkey - Majority Leader
Website: Michigan House of Representative Lee Chatfield 
Website: House Bill 5120 - Expungement Rep. Isaac Robinson(D) 4th District 

For the people who are going to the State Capitol in Lansing Michigan who know and don’t care that the Covid-19 is killing more black people than other ethnic groups, go straight to hell and have a good day. For the everyone else, be safe and wear a mask! Covid-19 is absolutely for real! Someone will get data right and develop a vaccine to stop this thing and Gov Whitmer will have more time to create jobs with cannabis. This is much more effective that a recall attempt.

With these changes, we can fix our streets with Hemp-Crete and, Make Michigan great again at the same time.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Rest in Power Isaac Robinson, Your Work Will Not Be in Vain

From a constituent of  Representative Isaac Robinson

We the people have lost our representative in Lansing. Isaac Robinson was a Detroit sports fan like the rest of us. You would see him in our neighborhoods and at Detroit Lions football games. This is a huge loss for us in District 4 and the State of Michigan. In his own way, Isaac Robinson is currently leading the charge to fight the corona virus. 

He would have supported the fight by bringing aircraft into and out of Detroit City Airport(KDET) with gloves, masks, ventilators, and testing kits. These supplies would be rapidly deployed into the neighborhoods to be used at recreation centers like Lasky Rec and, church parking lots by licensed medical professionals. By utilizing City Airport, identifying a virus would be much faster so that a vaccine may be developed. Products manufactured and, shipped to hot-spots in the world from Detroit would help ignite an economic recovery that would benefit everyone. We feel his spirit saying to us it is time to use every asset available in the City of Detroit to bring a solution to this problem.

To manufacture the needed equipment you need people to make it work. In order to hire them they have to pass a drug test for #Covid19 and #Cannabis.  Given the need for workers to make the things we need, Rep Robinson would have asked for an executive order from the Governor to remove all penalties for testing positive for marijuana use as a condition of employment. This would accomplish the goal of stimulating the economy by removing another barrier to employment to anyone who wants to work.

Our needs in the District will never go away. The speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives is now in charge of our votes and, we need a voice in Lansing so that our voices will never be silenced.  From now until December 31st, 2020, we are in a war for survival with our leader in the wings directing the team. Therefore we the people must finish his work by making sure that the legislation he championed for gets signed into law.

Isaac's List 
  • Expungement of Marijuana penalties from a persons record and, their use as a condition of employment.
  • Equity on Auto Insurance Rates 
    • Statewide flat rate reforms
  • Fixing the Damn roads 
    • Fix  our Damn street with Hempcrete!
      • Hamtramck Drive around the General Motors Plant. and 
      • Oakland Avenue in Highland Park MI with the help of Senator Adam Hollier's constituents and friends
  • Preventing Hazardous Waste from being dumped in our neighborhood 

Therefore take the time to contact Governor Whitmer and, all the Michigan legislators in Lansing Michigan while you are sheltering in place. 

Call, email or click submit because we the people are tired of it.

We the people will get the work of Issac to the house of the law in the land by; hitting the home run, making the shot from the 3 point line, sending a one timer from the blue line, putting it in on a penalty kick or, scoring on a end run because, now is the time to get the job done. 

At 12:00pm and on 4:20pm during the month of April 2020, make sure you transmit your website responses by clicking the submit button on the Governor's or Speaker of the Michigan Senate website contact form.  If enough of you click the submit button at the same time while you are sheltering in place, they will get the message loud and clearly. 

Gov Gretchen Whitmer

Science and education go together because like any virus, whether its on a computer or a biological one it must be defeated.

Rest in Power Isaac Robinson your spirit will always be with us.
The Friends of George Cushingberry Jr and the constituents of District #4

Contact Websites: