Man facing Jail time in Eaton County Michigan for being a valid Michigan Medical Marijuana Patient.
A Report from the frontline in the War on Drugs
By Richard C. Clement
January 11, 2011
He was placed on probation for 24 months and as a condition of his probation has to submit to random drug tests, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, and Domestic Violence Counseling that is very expensive. This man has the qualifying medical condition of degenerative spinal stenosis, an illness that was a result of a motorcycle accident that brings on chronic pain. The condition is controlled successfully with Marijuana which works better than all other pharmaceutical drugs combined. Therefore when He shows up for weekly drug testing, he always tests positive. This has been happening since November 2010 frustrating his probation officer Liz Hoogstra. Ignoring his doctor's medical advice, Judge Reincke ordered him not to take anything and just suffer the pain until the hearing on January 26th.
The cost breakdown is as:
Weekly Random Drug Test (one per week for 24 months)
104 weeks @ $25.00 a week. Total Cost $2600.00
Weekly Drug Counseling sessions for the Marijuana addiction
Total Cost $985.00
3 AA classes per week for 24 months (Marijuana Addiction)
With “Donations Accepted” on a volunteer basis $20.00 per session.
Domestic Violence Prevention Classes $200.00
If you happen to go to jail and spend any time there your cost breakdown is:
Room and Board @ $40.00 per night
Use of Telephone @ $5.99 per minute
This person is a first time “offender” and if you multiply these figures by the number of prisoners taken in per week, you have a money cash cow for the Eaton County Sheriff Department. If we are serious of cutting government spending, we must cut the cost of these hidden taxes on the backs of people who could least afford it. The Michigan Medical Marijuana Act has become the equivalent of a tax cut to people who use Marijuana as a medicine at the expense of the County Sheriff’s offices in the State of Michigan.
Given the failure of regular pharmaceutical drugs, his health is being affected by the Eaton County Court that erroneously refers to Marijuana as Schedule I. This means that it is a drug with no medical value, similar to crack and heroin. Natural grown Medical Marijuana works better than the store bought and prescribed medicine from pharmaceutical companies. At this hearing his doctor will be allowed to testify on his behalf, while the Eaton County Prosecutor’s office will be pushing federal law and attempting to put him in Jail. He is willing to do time in jail rather than to take Marinol, morphine, and other dangerous over the counter drugs prescribed by the Eaton County Judge. He is currently looking at 7 to 10 days in Jail if found in violation of his terms of probation.
The breakdown of the family structure in the African American community requires that a father has to lead by survival. When the children want to “take over” a home by: not following rules and talking back, a father has to put his foot down. This father will be putting his foot down by standing up for the law and his right to use Medicine prescribed by a certified medical professional.
Name withheld at the person's request.