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Showing posts with label #ShowUpAndVote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #ShowUpAndVote. Show all posts

Monday, September 21, 2020

Richard Clement Sr is on the ballot for Detroit School Board Candidate Vote by Nov. 3rd 2020

My name is Richard Clement and, I am a candidate for the Detroit Public School Board. I am running to promote education that will improve the quality of life in our City, State, nation, and the world. The man that freed the weed will help the children read because, reading is essential to everything in life. This includes reading the instructions on how to use Siri and, using a computer.  If you support change for the sake of our future, you must elect people who have our best interest at heart.   

Retired NHL Legend Darren McCarthy and
Richard Clement.

I feel that DPS has always been the best when it came to serving the community. The district was damaged from mismanagement from Lansing and, the best way to fix it is from the top down.  On or before November 3rd, voters have a chance to elect the best 3 candidates and, recall the other four board members for not representing the will of the people.

I am a graduate of the Detroit Public Schools attending Pasteur Elementary, White Elementary, Hampton Jr. High and Mumford HS where I excelled in music and sports. Although the grades that I earned were not the top of the class, I graduated anyway and was determined to give back to my community by furthering my education past high school.

I am a graduate of Alabama State University where I majored in Computer Information Systems and a member of the Marching band. I also have experience in state and local governments in Lansing and Detroit as an information technology employee. I am currently retired from Teaching at Lansing Community College, Lansing School District, Hamtramck,  was fortunate enough to work for 11 years as a guest teacher.

While serving as a board member of Black Data Processing Associates (1990-1997), I was responsible for training disadvantaged youth on computer skills that competed and scored well in national competition with others in their age group. These students went on to be great mothers, fathers, and professionals in medicine and information technology.

I served on the boards of the Michigan Chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana laws and various start up canna-businesses in Michigan. From 2014 to 2017, I worked as a legislative aide to Council-member Pro-Tempore George Cushingberry Jr advising on education and marijuana reform in Detroit. During my tenure on the Michigan NORML board of directors, marijuana was decriminalized for medical and recreational use saving the taxpayers millions of dollars in fess on legal system and generating jobs at the same time. The marijuana industry was one of few departments in State Government to show a profit. Fees were reduced because the program generated too much money at one time.

Nov 3rd, 2020 - Ballot Sample 
Vote to represent with Dagnogo and Clement

From now until 8pm on November 3rd, 2020 start from the back of your ballot first and, elect Richard Clement and Sherry Gay-Dagnogo to the Detroit School Board. If I am elected this will be my platform. 

  • Teacher safety and health care needs to protect them from Covid 19 and, the effects of PTSD by renegotiating contracts to allow for treating symptoms with cannabis. 
  • De-emphasize test scores as a primary determination for allocating funds.
  • Increased funding of programs such as music, sports and, special education development.
  • Promote opportunities for jobs in aviation education with Benjamin O. Davis High 
  • Promote the use of urban farming in and make science fun again with parental supervision to grow food, medicine and, materials like concrete with hemp.
Thank you for your support.

Donate to the campaign through our Cash App Link.$CsystemsRCC

Sunday, July 28, 2019

GITCHO Vote On in August and November 2019 to Get Ready in 2020

By Friends of Cushingberry 

"2019 Elections in Highland Park, Warren, Lansing and, Hamtramck are serving as benchmarks for the 2020 Primary and General election."

On Tuesday, August 6th, 2017 and, Tuesday November 5th, 2017, local elections will be held in many cities in the State of Michigan. Cities such as Highland Park, Lansing, Hamtramck, and others will be hosting primary elections for positions of Mayor, City Clerk, and Council seats.This is also the first election where same day voting rights are in full effect.

Therefore if you want vote on Tuesday, you are required to go to the Secretary of State's office FIRST, then drive back to your precinct to cast your ballot. By requiring a person to drive to a Secretary of State's office may be construed as a form of voter suppression.  SOS branch offices may have to have ballots at the branch to accommodate same day voters or, voters need to have the ability to register to vote at the precinct then cast their ballot.

Lt. Gov Gilcrest says
There will be no hidden figures in Voting or Census 2020 counting. 

To solve this problem City, and County clerks must have tablets at voting precincts to allow people to register and cast their ballots, instead of travelling to a Secretary of State's office that closes at 8pm. In November of 2018 the voters wanted government that worked FOR the people. The people elected Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to make government more responsive to the people..

Under the leadership of Lt. Governor Garlin Gilcrest this small detail in the same day voter registration process will be addressed and solved with the use of technology. Lt. Gov Gilcrest currently serves as the highest ranking Information Technology professional in State Government. Innovations in voter registration and coordinating 2020 census data collection will have the backing of the executive office and legal protection by Attorney General Dana Nessel.  

No Voter Left Behind!
Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson says let my people vote!

If your city is holding an election on August 6th, get your ballot now from your City Clerk or, be a test case for same day voting on primary and general election days in 2019. Now you really don't have an excuse NOT to vote. If you believe in a cause and want your voice to be heard, just show up and vote.  Foreign and domestic voting influencing is in full effect from Russia to Lansing and it will not stop. Facial recognition and deep-fake technology will be out to confuse the voters. The only way to combat this is to read and research a candidate and find out who is backing them, what are they priority issues, and prior performance. You can't be a person that was against Marijuana legalization and, show up months later to say that you support it. 

This goes for D.I.N.O. Democrats(Democrats In Name Only) and others who have betrayed the public trust. Change is needed in the City of Lansing and the person to get the job done is Scott Hughes in Ward 1.  The City of Highland Park has the opportunity to opt-into Marijuana legalization on their ballot. A YES vote will allow the city to fix roads, open schools, and pay for a public school systems that was ravaged by looters and con men in the form of Emergency Management.

Yes people, 2019 is one year away from 2020 and, the time to practice your voting power is NOW!  


Monday, October 22, 2018

Why You Need To Show Up and Vote in November 2018 - Stopping Lame Duck Voter Fraud In Advance

by Richard C. Clement  - Policy Analyst C-Systems Tech Group and 
Co host on Break It Down With Cush on Saturdays from 12pm to 12:45pm

If elected Bill Schuette and the current Supreme Court have a plan to change the results of the Voters after the November 6th election.  In the December 2018 lame duck session, the Michigan legislature led by Senator Rick Jones(R) will impose laws that will reverse the results of the votes on all proposals and issue blanket pardons for everyone involved into the Flint Water scandal.

If you needed a reason to vote for change in the legal system a vote for Samuel Bagenstos and Megan Kathleen Cavanaugh in the Michigan Supreme Court will effectively stop them in advance.

On his first day at work Bill Schuette tried and failed to remove 54A District Court Judge Hugh Barrington Clarke from office after being appointed by Gov. Jennifer Granholm to an open Judgeship. All other governmental appointments are just a signature and a rubber stamp process honored by everyone.  Schuette took legal measures to remove Judge Clarke to the Ingham County Circuity Court, the Court of Appeals and, the Michigan Supreme Court where all of them ruled in Judge Clarke’s favor.  In their written decision, the justices all stated that the charges brought by the Attorney General were frivolous and a waste of money.

54A District Court - Lansing MI
 Judge Hugh B. Clarke Keeps His Job Despite
the wishes of Attorney General Bill Schuette

In 2011 Schuette used the vast resources of the Attorney General’s office by to charge a Lansing Michigan resident Shekina Pena for Voter fraud. Ms. Pena owned a marijuana business on Michigan Avenue and presented customers with a slate of candidates for Lansing City Council. A  candidate who was not on the list called Senator Rick Jones who called Bill Schuette to prosecute her.  The case was presented to a Jury of her peers and they found Ms. Pena innocent of all charges. 

Bill Schuette help direct the voter fraud effort to keep the Emergency Managers in place by going to the supreme court winning a legal to insert the manager law as a budget item preventing change through the ballot process. This method of Voter Fraud by legislative means was approved by the current Justices of the Supreme Court in direct contrast to the right to have your vote counted. In 2011 Gov Snyder went to the Supreme Court to impose a tax on retirees pensions to finance projects like the Karagondi/Flint debacle, salaries and, expenses for State appointed employees. Current and Retired first responders and civil service employees financed this with lower health care costs and reduction in services.

All the public servants needed was an Attorney General and Supreme Court Judges that would have taken the employees’ side by defending the state constitution regarding pensions and the will of the people by their vote.  Instead a perfect storm of one party rule along with concurring Supreme Court justices allowed the Michigan legislature to pull off the biggest Ponzi scheme ever inflicted upon public employees.

After spending millions of taxpayer dollars fighting attorneys like Dana Nessel the relentless attacks on Marijuana was so deplorable, petitions to recall him from office for insubordination to patients and falsification of documents in the Flint Water scandal, were approved by the Midland County Election Commission.

Canadian Legalization Day
 October 17th, 2018  - Windsor Canada
Photo by Daniel Mears - Detroit News

To correct these problems a vote for Gretchen Whitmer will unleash hidden figures that will bring transparency and efficiency to State Government. Having a Microsoft Man as a Lt. Governor in Garlin Gilcrest the following changes will happen.

  • The emergency manager will be removed as a line item veto
  • The courts will have pro people justices, 
  • NO marijuana business in Michigan would have to close down because of the reefer madness mentality of an appointed Sgt. Don Bailey and, 
  • Information transparency will be reformed with the honorable use of technology for the people instead of against them.

Therefore from now until November 6th 2018 at 8:00pm you must show up and vote at your City Clerks office or in person at your polling place. Our future is in the balance!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Screen Out The Elrick Blitz With Your Vote Today - Say NO to Adam Hollier

The Committee To Elect George Cushingberry Jr. State Senator District 2 
Press Release

There is good news for supporters of Marijuana reform this week. Signature collectors in Highland Park Michigan gathered 1343 signatures to allow the city to opt into State Marijuana law. Highland Park has 8553 registered voters and 10% or 853 valid signatures were needed to get the job done.  The City Council has two choices, either adapt the proposal as is on August 14th, or, let the people decide at the ballot box on November 6th.

If you need your grow wired right for you,
Just hire a member of the I.B.E.W!
Keep your community safe from electrical fires,
because I.B.E.W. members are very good hires!

In Hamtramck city leaders met with entrepreneurs who want to open facilities in the city. At the time of this writing, citizens were receptive and very supportive but no action was taken. In order to be on the November ballot a citizen petition initiative would have needed to be turned in by July 31st, 4pm to the City Clerk.

As the Senate race in District 2 winds down, I am reviewing all of the mailings that I received from the candidates. It is very true that candidates are being sponsored by people who do not have our best interests at heart.  The most offensive one was from a paid progressive candidate from Hamtramck who told the voters to “Stop Reading” and “Start Changing” using news clips from mainstream media.  There is a difference between being progressive and being young and stupid. How dare a candidate tell people to stop reading with the massive low comprehension rate among our citizenry? Over 50% of applicants to jobs are rejected because they cannot read nor write. Shame on you Abrham Aiyash! 

This progressive aggressive campaign plan is fraught with people running who would rather read a tweet than a book for knowledge. Reality show politics does not cut it when you have to make and design policy that will benefit everyone.  

              List of Accomplishments / What Has Cush Done? / What Can Cush Do?

If you cast your vote for George Cushingberry,  on August 7th,  he promises that on the next day, he will introduce legislation declaring City Airport as a Historic District. This law will generate needed revenue with new and improved runways, commercial air service, and a flight training school. When it is all combined this project will bring more revenue than the current 75 marijuana provisioning centers in the City of Detroit.

What has George Cushingberry Jr. Done?
Detroit City Airport Historic District
Coleman S. Young International Airport
Mt. Elliot Employment District

The insurance industry auto rates are one of the main reasons people are leaving the scene of an accident, or not stopping for hit and run victims. Now they want to present a slate of candidates to cover their tracks if elected. Their policies in Lansing have contributed to the poverty of our citizens. People cannot get licenses and they drive without them and just forget about the insurance.  We are turning our police departments into insurance collection agents when people need to get back and forth to work. 

What has George Cushingberry Jr  Done for the people?
In 2014, Saved the city $20,000 month in costs by stopping the payments to a software company charging the Detroit Fire Department for software that did not work. Code Red was Code Wrong and a payoff for the Bing/Hollier administration

If you give George Cushingberry the chance to be your Senator, common sense insurance rates and regulation with a strong Attorney General fighting for the people will be the order of the day. George will stabilize inconsistent rates statewide. Red lines belong on Ice Hockey rinks instead of neighborhoods.

Given the rejection by Oakland and Macomb Counties on regional transit, one way to solve this problem is through a state and federal massive public works infrastructure project. This comprehensive project will  replace the sewers, water and, build a regional rail system that connects to Amtrak and VIA railroad in Canada.  This will create lots of jobs and money recirculating back into the community. A good example is the sewer separation in Lansing Michigan that created better roads after the new pipes were laid down. With the current occupant of the Office of the President of the United States, this will never happen.

Stop the game plan of the KKK,
Stop the plan of Hollea,
gitcho souls to the polls, and vote TODAY!

A vote for Adam Hollier is a quick return to the failed Educational Achievement Authority that operated as a criminal business enterprise upon the Detroit Public School System.

The victims of the crime are the Children and the integrity of public education. From the first chancellor to principals of schools, the supporters of Hollier’s candidacy are counting on people not reading to finish the job they started on looting public education.  Just look at the great work they did with our schools like Benjamin O. Davis Aviation academy and Palmer Park (aka Hampton JR High School). The financial damage inflicted upon the Detroit Public School District by these emergency managers is inexcusable and the violators should be prosecuted. Hopefully our next Attorney General Dana Nessel can work on the Detroit School Board to restore the integrity to education. 

Website: Educational Acheivement Authority Exposed - Bogus Software and lavish spending - Detroit Metro Times

As for voting for Brian Banks, c’mon man!  The 2nd coming of Virgil Smith is running an expensive campaign that if he got elected, we would be without representation again because he would have to resign again because of looming legal problems of a life in prison for being a habitual offender if convicted again. It is clear that the insurance industry lobby is sponsoring him to divide the vote like last time.

Don't Get Confused by Watching Fox News.

This is no time to experiment with another bunch young so called progressive rookies endorsed by endless money of television commercials, mailings, bulletin boards and dazzling websites, sponsored by groups that do not have the people’s best interest at heart. Voting for Hollier, is another vote for the plan of the KKK. They support Aiyash because he does not want you to read and, Banks is sponsored by people that know he will be legal trouble again forcing him to resign or go to jail for life. We do not need a repeat of the Virgil Smith fiasco and the sexual harassment blitz sponsored by alt-right Fox News network. The City of Detroit will protect the taxpayers from frivolous lawsuits. We don't need a make work program for lawyers, we need a make work program for our infrastructure.

Cleaning house in Lansing means is done by showing up to vote in person TODAY at your City Clerk's office or on Election Day at your polling place (Find your Polling Place HERE):

Wayne County Community College

If you want donate GREEN MONEY to the campaign of George Cushingberry Jr, please do so at our website

George Cushingberry Jr. Stands for:  
  • Promoting Reading Literacy Education Reform
    • Literacy will reduce poverty!
  • Common Sense Insurance Rates for Auto, Home, and Health Care Co-Pays for retirees
  • Removing the Retirement Tax on Pensions for Retirees, especially City of Detroit Employees
  • Marijuana Entrepreneurship with expungement of all criminal convictions.
On Tuesday August 7th, Elect George Cushingberry Jr. State Senator 
The man for you in District 2

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Why #WeToo are Voting For George Cushingberry as State Senator

The Committee to Elect George Cushingberry Jr. State Senator District 2. Press Release.

The Man For You In District 2

The August Primary election is a very important election to participate in. As in all elections the direction of your community and the quality of life is at stake. We are experiencing now the game plan of the opposition as we pursue your vote and trust to send us to Lansing to get the job done. The insurance companies have contributed to the downfall of Michigan through outrageous rates and price fixing. This is the main reason people are running from accidents to avoid prosecution. We have City of Detroit leadership wanting to build more buildings on the grounds of Detroit City Airport shutting it down while there are massive amounts of buildings available to do what he wants.  We have people endorsing candidates who have aided and abetted in the creation of the Educational Achievement authority that was raided by the Federal Government for fraud.

When George Cushingberry Jr. gets to Lansing MI, this is what he will do.

  • Implement Common Sense Insurance Rates
  • Restoring Accountability in Public Education with caps on the creation of charter schools
  • Re-Investing in the Mt. Elliot Development Project that includes a working Detroit City Airport for General, Educational, and Commercial use.
  • Taxation, Regulation of Marijuana including expunging ALL convictions in Michigan.

For example, as a State Representative, George Cushingberry sponsored a bill for good times credit for non violent offenders. As a Detroit City Council member, he was responsible for the upgrade of Livernois Avenue through implementing grants for streetlights, sidewalks, and supporting local businesses on the Avenue of Fashion.

The Sexual Harassment and the manipulation of the #MeToo movement is the new strategy to sabotage political campaigns. Just like the Ebola crisis that disappeared after the 2014 election, the sexual harassment and other negative "news", we are fully expecting this play call from the opposition. Sexual Harassment is gender neutral and all legitimate claims should be investigated. We feel that the timing of the filing was to get maximum damage from the City of Detroit and to derail the Cushingberry campaign.  When you examine the record of the other candidates, George Cushngberry has the documented proof of getting the job done.

Bear Bryant was quoted once as saying "In order to catch a fast negro running the ball, you have to hire another one to catch them" because he finally acknowledged the fact that you needed to include the black players he did not want on his team.  Distraction politics is only going to carry you so far and blitzing the campaign with charges and innuendo will not work. 

Therefore do not be confused by watching Fox News, just screen out their blitz with your vote for George Cushingberry Jr.


  • George Cushingberry Jr. still has his law license
  • The traffic stop was deemed to be unprofessionally handled by two patrol officers who wisely deleted the tape of their misconduct. 
    • We chose not to press charges against filing a false police report because we respect the men and women of the Detroit Police Department, especially the retirees. 
    • We want an apology written to Sgt. Smith by media reporters for promoting insubordination because of race.
  • The City's finances are no longer under the control of a State Appointed Manager under the direction of George Cushingberry Jr as the chairman of the Budget Audit Finance Committee.
  • George Cushingberry Jr. is the ONLY candidate on the ballot who has supported the legalization of marijuana and has history and evidence to prove it.
  • Will take on President Trump and Bill Schuette and scold them on their brand of exclusionary racist politics.

Don't get blinded by the blitz of bad news coming from media outlets like Fox and other haters.  Screen them out with your vote!

From now until, Tuesday August 7th, and again in November 6th, Elect George Cushingberry Jr, the man for you in District 2.

Save your home and apartment complex
from fires caused by faulty wiring
by hiring a PRO!
If you need a grow wired right for you,
just hire a Member of the I.B.E.W.!

George Cushingberry Jr.  Supports Electricians and loves their work!