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Showing posts with label Detroit Police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Detroit Police. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

State of the Bud - Marijuana Businesses in the City of Detroit Status Report April 2016

by Richard C. Clement - Marijuana Policy Analyst

                Inspections of Medical Marijuana facilities will continue with employees from BSEED and the Detroit Police Department to assist in gaining access to the property in question. According to City of Detroit Building Inspector Wayne Wilkins (, by law they are required to enter the premises, shoot pictures of a business, advise the owners of a Drug Free Zone violation and exit the premises quickly.  BSEED inspectors are not interested in and have NO DESIRE to be concerned with how much marijuana that you have at your facility. During this time of litigation, BSEED will enter a place of business with the assistance of the Detroit Police Department because their only job is to make sure that the building is up to code.

Meanwhile, there are two separate lawsuits that were filed in Wayne County Circuit Court on the behalf of the business owners and concerned patients.  The first one was filed by the citizens for Sensible Cannabis Reform (Case# 16-004185-AW Citizens for Sensible Cannabis Reform v Janice Winfrey, Detroit Election Commission, City of Detroit) that has 3 named defendants in: The City of Detroit, Detroit City Clerk Janice Winfrey, and the Detroit Election Commission.  This suit is in regards to the filing of the petitions to allow the citizens of Detroit Michigan to vote on the ordinance that was implemented by the City Council in the August 2nd, primary.  A large majority of Detroit residents signed petitions to halt the ordinance and develop a new one that is less restrictive on Detroit Business owners.  It seems that the current license and zoning ordinance was designed to benefit a few owners at the expense of other owners who are Detroit residents that want to be a part of a growing Marijuana industry.

The second lawsuit was filed by the Sons of Hemp, a Pro-Cannabis group of African American business owners who will be adversely affected by this new ordinance (Case No. 16-004201-CZ JONES, RONALD, ET AL. V THE CITY OF DETROIT). There are 10+ named plaintiffs who all own stores, and grow operations who want a voice and a place in the growing Marijuana industry.  Their hearing is scheduled on July 1st, 2016 with Judge John Murphy of the 3rd District Wayne County Circuit Court. This lawsuit addresses the inequities of the ordinance regarding African American business owners in Detroit who will be getting shut out of the market because of the ideology of the 1939 mandate of Harry Ainslinger, the first head of the Drug Enforcement Agency. This man promoted the current drug war on the back of Billie Holiday because he hated African Americans that played Jazz music and had any kind of talent. (The Hunting of Billie Holiday by the USA)

As the late University of Alabama football coach Bear Bryant put it when he found out he needed African Americans to win football games,
 “If you have a fast negro running the ball, you have to hire another negro to catch them”. 
In Billie Holiday’s case, Harry Ainslinger hired his first black agent Jimmy Fletcher to specifically take down Ms. Holiday.  Quoting the article 
"Jimmy Fletcher follows her around for two years, and she was so amazing, he fell in love with her. And he felt ashamed his whole life for what he did. He busts her. She’s sent to prison. The trial—she said, "The trial was called The United States v. Billie Holiday, and that’s how it felt."  
"And when she gets out, exactly what happens to addicts all over the United States today happens—what’s happened to those women I met in Arizona: She can’t get a job. You needed a license to be able to perform anywhere where alcohol was sold, and they wouldn’t give her the license. So, you know, her friend Yolande Bavan said to me, "What’s the cruelest thing you can do to a person is to take away the thing they love." She sinks back into addiction."

In 2016 we have a few African American pastors who use this same ideology to eliminate the business owned by African Americans by continuing to promote the sick and racist policy of Harry Ainslinger’s DEA.  Marijuana is a 1 billion dollar a year industry to states like Colorado, Oregon, Washington State, and so on. Less that 1% of Marijuana business are owned by African Americans.  

Everyone wants a level playing field and there are so many uses of the Marijuana plant that the time has come to get real and end this drug war on the people with the lack of resources to fight. We simply cannot support a policy of putting more men in jail that creates a shortage of males and allow some females to have a bigger selection of partners to pick from. This policy is counterproductive and supports a for profit prison system that gets its revenue from failing children in schools that have been looted by private profiteers.  The current situation with public education everywhere indicates that money is being diverted into the for profit prison system building new jails and tearing down public schools.

This must stop at once and, If you are a interested in becoming a plaintiff please contact the following sources;

Citizens for Sensible Cannabis Reform   Attorney Kevin Lynn (248) 693-2300
Sons of Hemp:  Ronald Jones

1,2,3,4. It’s time to end the Drug War.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

District 2 State of the District Field Report - Continue the Push with Pro Tem Cush!


A Toast to Deception by the
Emergency Manager and Flint Officials
          The situation in Flint Michigan regarding the water is a criminal act of negligence committed by employees of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.  We are strongly recommending that Barbara McQuade and Loretta Lynch with the United States Department of Justice to convene a grand jury to investigate and prosecute anyone involved in the falsification of documents that produced this disaster. There is no excuse for this criminal behavior from Civil Servants who took an oath to serve the people with honesty and integrity.  As compensation to Flint residents, their co-pays for the Affordable Care Act shall be significantly reduced by %95 to %100 to accommodate the health care needs of the affected.  When the water is so bad that General Motors can’t use it to build their cars, then why it was good for people to drink according to State of Michigan “experts”. The participants in this modern day Tuskegee Experiment for profit shall be stung like a Hornet in a court of law.

        The process for obtaining a License for Marijuana Caregiver Centers is taking place as we speak. Fees by law will not be higher than $1000 and through the referendum process a fair and equitable ordinance will become the law of all the people.  Unfortunately, there are some members in our community who want to create a problem that does not exist.  There are some in the community who say that these places bring crime and drive the values of property down.  Under further inspection by Council staff members of these businesses, these allegations are not true. Recently in January of 2016, Detroit Police Chief James Craig was quoted on Detroit Speaks with Cliff Russell (WCHB 1200 AM Detroit MI) that the crime numbers associated with these Marijuana places are not there and, the department has more issues to deal with like murders, car jackings, and mentally ill people that need help instead of jail.

        We have African American pastors that own Caregiver Centers that employ many people. They do not support the 1000 foot requirement from a religious institution and requesting that this and other provisions be placed on the ballot for November 2016. Furthermore some of these pastors should know better and seem to forget the history of the Slave Trade were Black People sold other Black people into slavery. In this case the pastors support keeping marijuana illegal to support the for profit prison industry.  There are cities like Ypsilanti, Lansing, Flint, that have many Caregiver Centers in their cities, therefore the allegations made by community groups regarding these places of business are unfounded and remind you of the 1939 Reefer Madness movement.

                The Livernois Avenue of Fashion is thriving again with new lights and businesses that meet the needs of their customers.  The lights took longer than expected because the wiring on the street was over 50 years old. We support the business owners on the Avenue who want the parking meters removed from the street.  They have caused the business owners to lose customers because of the inflexibility of the meters and our office is working with the owners to resolve the problems. We want more people to start voicing their concerns to Wayne County and Lansing for the condition of Outer Drive from Livernois all the way to Southfield Freeway.  Between Livernois and Wyoming, the road conditions are atrocious and needs to be paved over immediately. We want to highlight and give a shout out to the new Hartford Village complex on Meyers and welcome to our new residents who will be living there.

                The empty land at the State Fairgrounds has a site plan and layout by the Magic Plus LLC group. We hope that this group can expand their efforts as far as they can between Woodward, John R, 8 Mile, and McNichols because this area is begging for redevelopment. The plan is for a movie theater,  housing, and a fully modal transportation center that includes, Amtrak, Light Rail, DDOT, and SMART. On 7 mile and Woodward a faith based transportation hub in partnership with the Tasty World, BP Gas Station, Miles Green Acres Compassion Center, and the Perfecting Church will facilitate the connection between North, South, East, and West distances in the city.  We support the participation of the Magic Plus Group in the re-vitalization of Detroit.  We will continue to support the development of a regional light rail system that will rival Miami, Washington DC, and New York rail systems. 

        This growth within the district may result in the re-activation of the fire house at Curtis and Livernois that is 2.5 miles from Pasteur School into a fully operational fire house. In layperson terms there will be two fire trucks instead of one with a rescue unit. Some of the older firehouses may qualify for a historic grant because of the age of the facility.  This means that a Detroit based company like CAASTI Construction Company ( can redo the interior of fire houses and create job opportunities for carpenters, bricklayers, electricians, etc.  

         This growth will continue with the additional officers needed at the 12th Precinct because of the redevelopment of the old State Fairgrounds property by Magic PLUS. When this project is completed DPD will be adding at least 10 new officers to patrol the new neighborhood.
         The Adams/Butzel Recreation Center has a world class NHL sized hockey skating rink. It is one of the Department’s premiere recreation centers in the district. Did you know that African Americans invented the game of Hockey? (click here to find out)  If you want to learn how to play the game, then this is the place to come.  Trainers with professional hockey experience are available to teach you the basics.

         We will work to remove one of the Emergency Managers orders regarding the parking tickets. We want citizens to get a 24 hour grace period to pay a $20 fine instead of being socked $45 a pop.  Michigan cities like Lansing are forgiving when it comes to parking tickets and people. 

Property Tax Progress (click here)

Finally, we want to give a shout out to Pastor Oscar King of the Northwest Unity Baptist Church whose leadership in the District has helped to make for a better quality of life in our neighborhood and our city.

Fire up Detroit, Fire Up!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Field Report: The Protest on Livernois and Outer Drive on Thursday October 22, 2015 @ 9PM

by Richard C. Clement

The protest by the New Era Detroit organization on Livernois and Outer Drive that blocked traffic was handled by the wisdom of the elders in the crowd and the presence of  officers from the Detroit Police 12th precinct. We are extremely glad that things turned out well.  Shout out to Keith Williams, and State Rep Latoya Garrett who appeared and listened to the protesters.  While the message of supporting black businesses  was valid, blocking the street preventing customers from getting to the businesses that the black people own hurt their cause. Places like Kuzzos and Baker Keyboard lost customers because of their street blockage and was counter to the message that they wanted to send. Order was restored when the protesters started to sit down and talk instead of cursing and aggressiveness. 

We hope that some of them changed their mind on the importance of voting and how to deal with the problem of gerrymandering.  It is the gerrymandering of districts that create the voter disenfranchisement and, gives the young an illusion that their vote does not count.  By selecting large tracts of land  a political party winning an election in a Census year can draw new district lines and shape policies for the next 10 years.  The result of this effect is a gridlock situation where nothing gets done and the neighborhoods are not represented fairly in Lansing and Washington. You get laws passed that will only benefit the few at the expense of the majority of the people.

Making a law referendum proof by preventing the voters from deciding what the people want is a form of voter fraud at the legislative level.  Legislative Voter Fraud takes your takes your voice away from making changes in the process against the majority of the people. To change that you have to register to vote, sign a petition, and vote the change into law.  Laws like a declaring a misdemeanor for making a  referendum proof law against the will of the people can be handled by a ballot initiative signed by registered voters asking for their voice with their vote.

In a football game ever play run does not go for an instant touchdown. Therefore this is going to be a ground game all the way to 2020 of voting in every election. You also have to support the ballot initiative for a non-partisan commission to pick the districts at the Congressional, State, Local, and County level to get a true representation of a community.  By voting this into law, you will end the gridlock that goes on in Lansing and Washington and get a true representation of your neighborhood at the State and US Capitol.

Change is coming but it takes time.  Vote anyway.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Good News in Detroit, Come and Cruise in Detroit! Classic Car Cruise Weekend / Aug 13-15th

by Friends of Cushingberry

Vendor Space Available

                The 1st annual Classic Car Park and Cruise Detroit event will be held on August 13,14 and 15th 2015 at the intersection of Woodward Avenue and W. Goldengate Street.   This is a prime location on Woodward Avenue because as a Cruiser, you can participate in the Dream Cruise north of 8 mile and Cruisn the “D” South of 8 mile.

Cars can park for free and Vendor space is being made available by the lot owners.   

Exhibit rates are as follows:

10x10 @ $125 per day or 10x10 @ $300 for ALL THREE DAYS

Set up time starts at 8am (Tents and Tables welcome)
For more information please contact:

Ms. Litita White - Director
Classic Car Park and Cruise Detroit
18461 W. McNichols
Detroit, MI 48226
(313) 255-4300 or (313) 930-0318
Fax:  (313) 255-4301

Crusin the "D"  Cruise

Attorney Gregory Reed is sponsoring in District 2

Good Food While you Cruise:

While you are there, come and patronize one of Detroit’s best Vegan Restaurants the Golden Gate CafĂ©. This gem is serves some of the best holistic food on Woodward. The owner Dr. Bob is very friendly and a great chiropractor.  Wednesday night Drum Circles at the intersection brings the Woodward/Goldengate community together in peace and sacrament.

Sign a Petition to Legalize Marijuana in Michigan

While you are looking at cars and dining at the Golden Gate CafĂ©, please take the time to sign a petition to allow voters to decide in November 2016 to legalize the use of profits from Marijuana. Legal retail sales from the plant will fix the roads, fund the Schools, and finance public pensions at a local level.  People who are currently incarcerated for small amounts of Marijuana will be thrown out of jail, kicked off probation, and have their criminal records expunged if this becomes the law.
Signature gatherers will be at Golden Gate CafĂ© to collect signatures.  

This effort is sponsored by the MI Legalize, Activists and Democrats.  This law if passed will keep the current Marijuana Law intact and, allow for the sale of cannabis in the State of Michigan.  This is the only Marijuana petition that will truly benefit the people in regards to funding, revenue and fair treatment.  This petition DOES NOT allow use of Marijuana by under-age youth.  People who are promoting the Marijuana Responsibility Council request are telling this lie to get you to sign their petition.

Review Petition language at

Whereas the petition by the MRC is sponsored by a GOP based group in Oakland County with ties to New Jersey Gov. Chris Chrstie. Their petition attacks felons and removes growing rights of patients and caregivers. Their petition will fill the jails of Michigan with people and property being seized by law enforcement officials. On giving second chances to felons, if it is good for Martha Stewart, if it is good for elected leaders in Michigan, then any felon in Michigan deserves a second chance. 

It is time to curtail the felony hater aide laws in Lansing and get some common sense. The cement used for the jails belong in the roads filling potholes and fixing bridges in Wayne County instead of sitting at an uncompleted jail.   So stop by and make it your mission, to sign the petition.

Happy Cruise Weekend to all of you from District 2 in Detroit,
 and we hope to see you on the Avenue.

Be There!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Cruise Woodward Avenue on the M1 in District 2 During Cruise Weekend Aug 12-Aug 16

by Friends of George Cushingberry Jr.

“Paying Homage to the Automobile from Highland Park to 8 Mile”

We are strongly encouraging all lovers of the Automobile to converge on Woodward Avenue from August 12th, 2015 until August 16th, 2015 on Cruise Week along Woodward in Detroit and Highland Park.  Highland Park will be paying homage to the Automobile at the Old Ford Plant Site on Woodward Avenue. This site was the home of the plant that build Ford’s first car, the Model-T coupe. In Detroit the main event will be the Crusin the “D” event around Palmer Park.

1965 Dodge Challenger
Owner Name: Diamond
In the Main event, cruisers and City Vehicles such as Fire Trucks, Police Cars, form a big D loop around the Park on Woodward between 8 Mile and McNichols.   Last year Chief Craig headlined the Parade and the Detroit Fire Department, especially Engine 44 represented very well. This year will be even better because locations along Woodward between 8 and 6 Mile are available with permission of the property owners in advance.  Vendors and tables located at the intersection of Woodward and Goldengate will be there to greet cruisers on the road.  While you watch the Crusin the "D" you can eat some of the best Vegan food at the Golden Gate Cafe. Under the leadership of Gregory Reed, the Crusin the D event is a highlight of the District.  Currently we are waiting on approval from MDOT/State of Michigan to use the vacant State Fair Parking Lot for Cruise purposes. Talented people who love to build cars from scratch are strongly encouraged to participate in this event that pays homage to the City and Region that built a nation. 

For more information on the Cruise go to

If you are going to have a real regional transportation, going East and West is a priority. The eventual crossroad for the M1 and M102 Rail System is ground zero for the redevelopment of the neighborhood, including the Old State Fairgrounds. Eventual plans for the property are a new neighborhood, retail shopping, theater complex, and transportation center.  The transportation center will include a new stop for AMTRAK trains heading to Chicago. This station will replace the station on Woodward making AMTRAK people friendly and easy to park. Detroiters will not have to drive to Dearborn to catch the AMTRAK train.  To view the complete site plan for the Michigan State Fair, please visit Councilmember Pro Tem George Cushingberry Jr’s website by clicking here. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please call Councilmember Pro Tem Cushingberry's office at (313) 224-4535                                                                                                                              

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Civil Asset Forfeiture Revenue and Marijuana Legalization by the Detroit Police Department

By Richard C. Clement

    In light of the recent raids on Medical Marijuana facilities in the City of Detroit this week, we asked Detroit Police Chief James Craig how much money does the Department make from Asset Forfeiture.  The Chief responded with a chart that shows over a 3 year period, the Department made $7.3 million dollars from taking assets under the Civil Forfeiture programs. The breakdown is as follows:

 $   451,542.05
 $   7,394.00
 $   410,168.87
 $           -  
 $   348,461.79
 $ 36,254.07
 $ 43,648.07

The figure shows that there needs to be a redirection of assets so that Marijuana based businesses and, the policy on Civil Asset forfeiture needs some serious re-direction of funds toward expenses like retiree pensions and healthcare.  This is a large amount of money to make from taking someone’s money and property for Marijuana possession and, never charging the person for the crime in a court of law.

People on the receiving end of this lose everything seized to the agency who made the initial contact if; the person does not contest the seizure in 10 days. After 10 days, the money or asset(s) that was taken from a home or person during a police raid is kept by the arresting agency and sold for profit. The raid on the facility at Puritan and Hubbell on July 14th, 2015 is a prime example of this type of asset forfeiture abuse by law enforcement.  On Puritan there are 7 churches that are within 3000 feet of the school.  City wide, there are numerous hair shops and churches that are across the street from each other.

This un-even enforcement of the Marijuana Laws creates an incentive for police agencies to conduct raids as a profit center for the Department instead of the protection of the citizens.

The only way this will stop is if you show up to vote and elect people who want to make this type of change.   You can also direct change through a ballot initiative that will take 2000 signatures from registered voters in the City of Detroit.  Or you can force change by signing the legalization petition hosted by to fully decriminalize and stop the War on Weed.  The revenue from legal Marijuana sales will make more money than the Water and Sewage system maintained by the Great Lakes Water Authority.

We have more people in new jails with no pot holes in their walls and, at the same time we have horrible roads, declining education opportunities and, retirees that have dwindling pension benefits. Participation in the MI Legalize  effort will address these problems.  We are expecting much better out of our elected leadership because, the War on Weed in the City of Detroit and the State of Michigan is a complete failure and, a waste of law enforcement resources. 

Finally if the Detroit Branch and the Michigan State Conference of the NAACP can honor Kid Rock, then they are morally obligated to support decriminalization of Marijuana use because of the impact on the community especially citizens of color. 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Chief James Craig Answers Questions Regarding 2015/2016 Budget from Pro-Tem Cushingberry

by Richard Clement

DPD 2015/2016 Proposed Budget recommendations. 

Councilmember Cushingberry cares about the Detroit Police Department so much that he is closely watching operations. He wants to make sure that citizen concerns and needs are addressed, 

On June 3,2015, Mr. Cushingberry asked the following questions of Police Chief James Craig.

List of Questions

1. In light of neighborhood/community policing, what are the efforts to encourage police offices to live in the City of Detroit?
2. How much have collected in the last three years from the various forfeiture programs?
3. Please provide details relative to new efforts in Information Technology ?
4. What steps should be taken to request Federal and State funds for a Blight Task Force and Quality of life blight deterrence?

Summary of Answers by Chief James Craig

1. Officers are being encouraged to live in the City by coordinating with the Detroit Public and Charter schools to provide education to Officer’s families.
2. We have collected a total of $6,045,732.02 dollars with $1,210,172.71 from Federal and $43,648.07 from the State  of Michigan collections divisions.
3. We are collecting more information from new fingerprint machines and other data requiring that we upgrade to 450TB of storage. We are upgrading hardware with 100 new units that have the Microsoft System Center Configuration and Operation Manager.
4. The Office of Grant Management can assist with providing information on seeking grants for this cause

We hope that the answers provided by Chief Craig will further enhance the transparency that the Department and the Council wants and the public demands of their public servants.