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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Press Release - Detroit City Airport Expansion 2017-2020 (KDET)

Legislation introduced to Restore Commercial Air Service and Benjamin O. Davis High School Back to Detroit City Airport Grounds.

At the Budget/Audit/Finance Committee meeting on March 6th, 2017, a major step forward was made by the Council to restore commercial air and, help our children to achieve successful aviation careers.  A motion was introduced by ProTem Cushingberry to move Benjamin O Davis airport back to airport grounds from the Jefferson Street location.  According to aviation experts and, Airport Director Jason Watt, “with an additional 1000 of runway we could land the space shuttle in the middle of the neighborhood”.  This airport currently serves as a major hub for freight, entertainers, executives, and government officials. Notables like Michelle Obama, Beyoncé, and others often “sneak into” the City because of the close proximity to neighborhoods and downtown. Everyone that remembered using Southwest Airlines at KDET always reported a good experience.
Website: Detroit City Airport  (Arrivals and Departures) Flight Tracker 

Council President ProTem Cushingberry
discussing business with Airport Director Jason Watt

The motion was approved 9 to 0 to look at using available funds to construct a new runway that would add 1000 feet so that larger aircraft could land there. This would include a runway for exclusive use by the High School and smaller aircraft.  Currently, City Airport is handling commercial air service on a regular basis.  Arriving nonstop flights from places as far France and, other locations around the world are not uncommon because of new aviation technology.  Additional traffic generating landing fee funds would assist in the construction of the new runway and high school.  We want the community to continue to demand that this City Asset not be removed or destroyed. 

Article: Restoring Commercial Air Service to City Airport (KDET)

Schematic for a 6900ft New Runway

To allow outside interests to turn the last piece of city owned property into an industrial park is unbelievably racist and completely un-acceptable.  While students studying aviation on the west side of the state have a runway and high school on airport grounds, students in Detroit are on Jefferson Avenue miles away. No one had the decency to include a helicopter pilot program to the airport for the students either! This must change for the sake of our future.

We strongly encourage parents and children and supporters of Detroit Public schools to show their support. The plans and the funding are there now.  Now is the time to move forward to get the job done.

Comparable Size Airport:
Billy Bishop Airport Toronto CA (CYTZ) (Website  Billy Bishop Airport Toronto CA). 
Commercial Airservice provded by Porter Airlines (Website: - Commercial Air Service in Toronto CA)

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