by Richard Clement
Closed Firehouse at Livernois and Curtis
District #2 |
I do
apologize to the Men and Women of Detroit Fire if you were offended by the
statement Bed and Breakfast, especially the widows. This is a misunderstanding between the intent
of the message and what it should have implied that being a Firefighter is a
good job with a lot of dangerous and hard work. Some
of the firehouses that I worked in doing computer hardware and software upgrades, the
kitchens had bbq fire pits and gas grills installed. I had the chance to observe a few
Firefighters cooking sitr-fry one day at a firehouse and, it looked so good and
smelled even better. They were pretty
nice to me also but I could not stay for dinner. We want our firefighters to be well fed, well
paid and, safe when they go to work. If the facilities need an upgrade, then
make a list and it will be addressed. Mr. Cushingberry never wrote any of the messages
so don’t hate on him. Therefore I would be more than honored take up all of the offers
that some of you made to Councilman Cushingberry to ride a rig, put on some
gear and, go up the ladder on the fire
engine. I will be leading an investigation of DFD facilities for the councilman. Starting with the
firehouses in District 2, I will be going to see what is REALLY going on in DFD
as an investigator. If additional hardware
is needed then, your concerns will be addressed.
We will be adding additional media content creators on the Facebook
page for Mr. Cushingberry. This includes more media personnel and unpaid
interns in journalism. Mr. Cushingberry has no intentions on resigning over a
traffic ticket or, resigning period. After
thinking about it over the weekend, I am not quitting either. It is time to get up and walk it off. In 30 days the
council has accomplished a lot. Board positions have been filled, corporation
counsel has been appointed and the streetlights are coming on. This does not sound like a dysfunctional
group of councilmembers. When all these facts come to light, Nolan Finley is
still wrong and Richard Clement was right. Given my new position, others will have to
speak up and out for me a little more advocating the causes that I was speaking
out for in Lansing and Detroit.
Sincerely, Richard Clement – Legislative Aide to Councilman
George Cushingberry Jr.
Just so that we are clear, you are not apologizing for saying the words. You are only apologizing because people were offended. I mean, that is after all what you just said. I apologize if people were offended. You are not apologizing for saying them though. That is not an apology sir
People were offended and, I apologized to them for saying those words taken out of context. Are we clear now?
You left out that the BBQ firepits and gas grills are paid for by Detroit Firefighters, also,the Firefighters buy their own food.
Exactly right, Anonymous! He is not apologizing for the ignorant words. And yes, the DFD pays for their own food, gas grills, bbq pits, along with may other things. He, along with many other city officials, will never get IT. Just sit down in your warm comfy office and collect your fat paycheck and keep your mouth shut.
Not only do they pay for their own upgrades to the firehouses, they pay for their food, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, new boots and coats and all other needed items the city doesn't provide. There is no other major city that expects their firemen to cover these costs, especially considering all the pay cuts they've taken and the hazards they face daily due to sub-standard equipment.
Time to write a grant and have a fundraiser to fix all of this.
Including a grant for gas grills at firehouses. Guest catering, etc..
Workers paying for equipment in their own workplace is insane.
How are the Technology needs? Please say more.
Firefighters paying for their own food is total B.S.
Some private and some Govt. Agencies have $25.00 a day per diem on dinner per employee. No payment out of pocket required.
We must talk about this.
Planning on inspecting the firehouse in District #2 on Meyers for an onsite inspection of facilities. Per contact with a firefighter at location.
7:00pm good?
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The technology at the firehouses in Detroit is poor to nonexistent. Fire reports are so generic that they are useless and the alert system, when working, is a joke. The city purchased and installed toughbook laptops on our fire rigs a few years ago but never paid for software so basically useless and dysfunctional...
This is pathetic, you are still not apologizing for what you said. I am not a DFD firefighter and I am offended. ALL DFD Firefighters should be appalled by what you said. For saying what you did, you should take your own money, from that big paycheck you get, pick a firehouse each week, drop in, say hello, give them a portion of your check- your "hard earned" money to buy necessary items. Writing a grant takes time, these guys need this stuff NOW. A grant is a good idea, but they can write a grant too. IF you write a grant, you are not personally helping. Also, "attempting to apologize" on a blog is a sorry excuse for an attempted apology. Grow up, man up. Face these guys face to face and tell them how you really feel..
How has this person gotten to where they are today? This is a CITY COUNCIL person, someone we would naturally be inclined to think represents some of the best in knowledge. He writes like a small child. Although this is not the biggest crime against humanity, it is probably indicative of his knowledge and work ethic in other areas.
"I had the chance to observe a few Firefighters cooking sitr-fry one day at a firehouse and, it looked so good and smelled even better. They were pretty nice to me also but I could not stay for dinner." - Actual adult human being publicly representing others. Unreal.
Since when do you use "dont hate on" in a professional letter. People these days!
My twelve year old could write a more sophisticated sounding argument. What an unadulterated buffoon.
Went to Engine 30 and Engine 40 of the Detroit Fire Department today. Mr. Cushingberry will be coming by to the firehouses and meet firefighters at their place of work. Starting with District 2.
Engines have pumps not ladders.
By to the? Starting with District 2...what? Where did you learn to speak English. Whoever put you in charge of communications should be fired.
Anon: by the firehouses
Once again I apologize for the bad choice of words to describe a job that is dangerous like war and working with substandard equipment.
We are doing advance work to make a visiting schedule for Mr. Cushingberry for all of the firehouses to investigate this non functional code red system that will cut response time.
I live in Kansas City and I have never heard of such mess. The city approve 650 million for a new District. And don't have fire trucks? with equipment aboard them? Something is wrong with this Pic.I do understand that the public is to come up with a little less than half of the project amount. But your safety equipment is substandard equipment. Well. Mr Cushingberry should be doing more than investigating this matter. It's already known you got a problem in this area. So upgrade the fire trucks, equipment with leaky tanks, no ladders, and the fire houses. Quit talking and making matters worst. The fine people of Detroit needs help!
Our goal of hiring new firefighters between the ages of 18-30 in 2014 has been successful. Councilmember Cushingberry technical research has determined that the Detroit Fire Department will be paperless by 2018. This will involve a complete technology overhaul with hard copy run sheets being converted to a digital display notification system. This is being done in compliance with the paperwork reduction act and, a simplified run sheet with basic information.
Firefigthers in Michigan now have a legitimate reason to use Medical Marijuana under HB4209 passed by the Michigan Senate and waiting for the Governor's signature. A portion of weed proceeds will be given to the 1st Responder's Fund under Workman's compensation for LARA.
Click Here For Details
Eight years later: Michigan's Marijuana Program is paying for:
1. New Fire Equipment like trucks, health care, etc...
2. New Beds and food for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
George Cushingberry served the people well and, all you haters can go straight to hell.
Especially you Trump butt-kissing clowns, Russian-based bots, and other jokers getting a piece of the taxpayer's hard earned money. Firefighters and other haters in the State of Michigan owe those "hippies" an apology for their disparaging comments them and the work of Former City Councilmember George Cushingberry.
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