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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Take Action Now! - Stop Senators Kuipers and Cropsey from gutting the Michigan Medical Marijuana Law for personal gain.

We at The Friends of Cushingberry would like you to contact your State of Michigan Senator regarding amending Senate Bills 616, 617, 618 to allow for dispensaries, removing marijuana as a condition for employment and, rescheduling Marijuana to a Schedule 3 drug.

The hearing will be held on Tuesday January 19th in Lansing Michigan at 1:00pm Farnum Building, 125 W. Allegan Street, Lansing, MI 48933.

These three bills written in their current form will gut the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act to benefit a few who want to privatize the Marijuana industry for their own personal gain at the expense of the people’s vote. Given the number of speakers that are scheduled to appear in person, written comments in electronic form are your best method of communication. Please place an address on your letter or e-mail to let the Senator know that you are a registered voter in their district. Commentary on these bills will be accepted after the January 19th, 2010 date.

If these bills were to become law without these changes, it would mandate that you would only go to State of Michigan growing operations to purchase your medicine. There would only be 10 of them in the State and owned by interests that are friendly to Senator Wayne Kuipers and a few select pharmaceutical companies in Michigan. The State police and Department of Community Health would have total control over all aspects of the program and given the 90 day backlog in applications, this would double the waiting time for your card. We would quickly return to overloading the judicial system with Marijuana related cases. Their actions will increase the un-controlled $2 billion dollar budget in the Department of Corrections instead of appropriating a $500,000 investment in Information Technology and employees at the Department of Community Health Medical Marijuana Program to process cards much faster.

Michigan State Senators Wayne Kuipers (R-Holland) and State Senator Alan Cropsey (R-DeWitt) have no respect for the voters of the State of Michigan who approved Medical Marijuana by %63 percent of the vote and have actively worked to undermine the law for their own personal gain. Their actions must not succeed and they need to be reprimanded by the voters who hired them. Their actions along with the actions taken by City and Township leaders in Saginaw to “zone out” residents by enacting un-enforceable local zoning laws is a deliberate slap in the face to the voters of the State of Michigan for the selfish beliefs of a few individuals.

If you need to find out who your State Senator is please visit their website at and use the link to find your Senator by voting street address. Your silence is not golden at this time so please email and call your State Senator to let them hear from you on this matter.


KhadijahShabazz519 said...

Greetings team,

I just have a suggestion in the future when there are hearings in Lansing. It would be a great idea to charter a bus, just they did for the school board meeting. it will ensure a good turn out. It's a constant effort to educate and engage voters as well we always have to stay innovative.


Friends of George Cushingberry said...

Dear Ms. Khadijah,
You make a very valid point and the next time one of these hearings come up, we will consider your thoughts.

They tried to sneak this one past the people and we were there to deal with them.

thank you for your interest and support
The Friends of Cushingberry